OpenADR 2.0b Specification Receives Full Approval as IEC Standard
January 11, 2019 | back to news
The OpenADR Alliance recently announced that the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the world's leading International Standards organization for all electrical, electronic and related technologies, has approved the OpenADR 2.0b Profile Specification as a full IEC standard, to be known as IEC 62746-10-1 ED1. (
This highest level of international support validates the global importance of the OpenADR specification, recognizing the experience and best-practice knowhow of energy industry suppliers, integrators, researchers, consumers and regulators worldwide. OpenADR 2.0 adoption is taking place in many states in the U.S., including California, Nevada, Texas, Florida, Arizona, and Hawaii, as well as in Europe, China, Japan and Korea.
According to Professor Hideo Ishii, Secretary General, Advanced Collaborative Research Organization, Waseda University, "The IEC-level standardization expands an opportunity of transferring our OpenADR-based methodologies for resource controls to other countries."
The Waseda University in Tokyo has been instrumental in a multi-year demonstration and development project, together with TEPCO and METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry). The project was initiated after the Fukushima earthquake and aimed to introduce demand-side management practices as quickly as possible.
"The continued interest and support for the OpenADR 2.0 standard by forward-thinking international utilities, aggregators and energy managers was the motivation to have OpenADR established as an IEC standard," said Rolf Bienert, Technical Director, OpenADR Alliance. "This is a significant milestone for industry stakeholders worldwide, who now can confidently adopt the OpenADR standard for their demand response and distributed energy resource programs."
Source: OpenADR Alliance